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Managing Remote Workers

We have had a lot of brainstorming sessions with our clients regarding how to manage remote workers.  So, since the new normal will likely be a majority of the workforce working remotely, here are a few tips for managing remote workers:

  • Communicate with employees about what their defined tasks are going to be for the day.  And, what are the most critical tasks?  At HRC, we call those tasks ‘‘The 3 Dragons You’ll Slay Today”. Having a list of defined tasks will help employees stay on track and be more productive. It also is an accountability measure. Managers can check in with employees with their tasks and see how they can help them and encourage them.
  • If your company and/or team is small enough, use a common calendar (such as google calendar) so your team can put blocks of time on the calendar with the tasks they will accomplish during that time. This will help your employees manage their time, and also let you know what they are up to (so you can know what they are working on, and more importantly- so you and their coworkers don’t interrupt them when they are working on an important task or project). Fun Fact – Statistics say it takes 23 minutes to get back on task after you have been interrupted. 
  • Have start and end times with breaks, just like at work. Try to keep the workday as normal as you can. Try to keep employees on their same hours but of course be open to adjustments as some employees will struggle working from home and some will also be responsible for taking care of and/or teaching their children. But, a sense of normalcy overall will decrease stress and anxiety in your employees.
  • Make sure employees have their own tools and a proper space to work. If there is anything you can do as an employer to make working from home easier for employees, do it. Provide them with the tools they need to be successful. (Please note: in California, there are legal obligations that employers have to provide all tools. Consult an attorney for further information.)
  • Daily check ins are crucial. Whether that is a phone call, zoom or text. This is your chance to check in on how they are feeling and keep their work productive and the company moving forward. Ask your employees how they are feeling. Three questions I asked my employees daily is: 1) How are you feeling (really)? 2) What was a challenge for you today?  And 3) What was an accomplishment for you today?
  • For team meetings, agendas are more important than ever, you need to define deliverables and due dates. When everyone on the team knows what is expected of them, projects will run smoother. If meetings are being conducted over zoom, mandate that everyone has their video on during the entire meeting.  This keeps people engaged….

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Managing a remote workforce and being an employee unexpectedly having to work from home, each come with their challenges. With collaboration and communication, you and your employees will get through this. If I can leave you with this– be as patient as possible with your employees. They are people struggling to grasp the events of this year that have affected them personally and professionally. Be compassionate. Be kind. Be aware.